Sunday, February 26, 2006
As a principled Christian, romantic man, and beer enthusiast, I have put things in their proper order. Here are two examples: example one; and, example two.
Chaos Theory in Action
This stuff really does happen. Have a beer, relax, and as the French say, "Wait your turn!".
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
While many changes are occurring in America, those changes are not certain nor are they active, necessarily. The uncertainty comes from the courts, a court system already know for being activist and counter to the wishes of citizens. A court that has proven to be quite hostile to democracy, religion, and morality. As well, these changes are not happening quickly as the courts have to put the cases into their schedules, stopping the progress in a (usually) necessary mechanical manner. As this is going on, are we again going to sleep to the constant thrum of nothingness in the interim?
Osama Bin Laden puts out tapes every once in a while, but he has become such a blowhard his threats have become weak and cause not so much as a whisper of dread. Perhaps he will take out a major city, but I think he knows he might very well end the false religion he professes in doing so. He can move his and his friends stinking bodies like fleas on a dog but he can't move Mecca or Medina. He can hide like a dog who knows the master is unhappy with him for pooping in the living room and is seeking him, paper in hand. But he can't hide those holy sites. He also knows that if those holy sites are destroyed, the faith will die. His god will be proven false. Then again, in his fervor, he might not understand or believe it could or would happen.
No, there is no bogeyman to keep American's interested. Demorats at the national level have shut up. They are pushing their old base out of the runnings, they are trying to cover up what they have said in the past, and they are denying their personal truth in order to win back some votes. Kim Il Jong, Castro, and most other despots are even going to ground, with the exception of Chaveze. Without these demorat friends, communist groups, and other evil ilk moving around on the center stage, it's getting difficult to stay focused on the problems and the problem makers for many people who need to keep vigil.
I have been watching them, in a way, for centuries. This is what they do when their evil is losing. They hide, they learn to blend in, they camouflage themselves in the mainstream. Make no mistake though, they are still as vile as they ever have been. They are as willing to see citizens die today as they were yesterday. They are as willing to disable our intelligence and military forces as they have always been. They still hate America, democracy, personal responsibility, Christianity, and morality as they did so visibly in the 1960's and 1970's. Don't fall asleep near the finish line. Don't let them creep back into power. Don't let them hide.
Personally, I don't care if NYC, Chicago, L.A., S.F., or any other major liberal center goes up in smoke. What I do worry about is the cost that would have to be paid because of it. Some Roman emperor called war 'fishing with a golden hook'. There is that, but I am no emperor. Those are my brothers, gold does not compare to their value to me, nor does platinum, diamonds, or anything but the American Way.
Osama Bin Laden puts out tapes every once in a while, but he has become such a blowhard his threats have become weak and cause not so much as a whisper of dread. Perhaps he will take out a major city, but I think he knows he might very well end the false religion he professes in doing so. He can move his and his friends stinking bodies like fleas on a dog but he can't move Mecca or Medina. He can hide like a dog who knows the master is unhappy with him for pooping in the living room and is seeking him, paper in hand. But he can't hide those holy sites. He also knows that if those holy sites are destroyed, the faith will die. His god will be proven false. Then again, in his fervor, he might not understand or believe it could or would happen.
No, there is no bogeyman to keep American's interested. Demorats at the national level have shut up. They are pushing their old base out of the runnings, they are trying to cover up what they have said in the past, and they are denying their personal truth in order to win back some votes. Kim Il Jong, Castro, and most other despots are even going to ground, with the exception of Chaveze. Without these demorat friends, communist groups, and other evil ilk moving around on the center stage, it's getting difficult to stay focused on the problems and the problem makers for many people who need to keep vigil.
I have been watching them, in a way, for centuries. This is what they do when their evil is losing. They hide, they learn to blend in, they camouflage themselves in the mainstream. Make no mistake though, they are still as vile as they ever have been. They are as willing to see citizens die today as they were yesterday. They are as willing to disable our intelligence and military forces as they have always been. They still hate America, democracy, personal responsibility, Christianity, and morality as they did so visibly in the 1960's and 1970's. Don't fall asleep near the finish line. Don't let them creep back into power. Don't let them hide.
Personally, I don't care if NYC, Chicago, L.A., S.F., or any other major liberal center goes up in smoke. What I do worry about is the cost that would have to be paid because of it. Some Roman emperor called war 'fishing with a golden hook'. There is that, but I am no emperor. Those are my brothers, gold does not compare to their value to me, nor does platinum, diamonds, or anything but the American Way.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
A busy and bumpy couple of weeks.
Hello all. I certainly haven't been blogging as I would like. The last two weeks have been full of travel, a funeral, and illness. Last week I drove around Iowa looking for just the right old truck and just the right price. After looking at a number of them, by Friday I had decided and had to go get it. It's perfect for my needs, though a bit of a tall boy. I decided on a pre-computer truck so I can be a shade tree mechanic. It's a 1972, automatic, 350, 6" lift kit, with 38" tires. Then, Saturday I found out my eldest uncle had died. So, I made plans to leave but had to wait for my cousin to get confirmation from his boss that he could take the time off. We didn't end up leaving until Monday morning. We stayed only until Tuesday night as the weather seemed risky for another overnight stay. Getting back essentially Wednesday morning, I began to have extreme shivers and I became cold. So, I've been bundled up and sleeping. I hope I don't have to travel that much, or any at all really, for a good long time. I also hope this flu starts dissipating a bit quicker. All in all, it's been good. Though the situation with the funeral, especially for the senior, a favored, and a good uncle, was sad and a bit troubling at times, seeing other family members I hadn't seen in years was good.
All other things in life are still on schedule, with the addition of college. I will be taking motorcycle lessons (to avoid the driving part of the test and get caught back up on the rules and skills) this April, scuba diving lessons (similar reasons) in May, and since I bought a truck my cousin will be buying a bigger boat in May or June. Should be all geared up for summer by the time it's fun to be out. Though, there is still the troubling idea of a motorcycle. I am looking for one that would fit me (at 6'4" and 260) and my cousin (at 5'9" and slight) that is in the right price range, no more than $2-3k. Just something for cheap driving in the summer, in town.
Now, though, to get back to swimming and basketball. The flu is still bad, so I can't really be pushing that. I hope by Saturday, maybe Friday, I'll be back in the water, with basketball on Monday.
I'll get back to opinions soon too. There have been so many juicy tidbits in the news and in my mind, but access just wasn't there and I hate "day-old" blog stuff, even if it was only "day-old" in my mind. It's like a 2005 Ford GT, so last year. Now you know.
All other things in life are still on schedule, with the addition of college. I will be taking motorcycle lessons (to avoid the driving part of the test and get caught back up on the rules and skills) this April, scuba diving lessons (similar reasons) in May, and since I bought a truck my cousin will be buying a bigger boat in May or June. Should be all geared up for summer by the time it's fun to be out. Though, there is still the troubling idea of a motorcycle. I am looking for one that would fit me (at 6'4" and 260) and my cousin (at 5'9" and slight) that is in the right price range, no more than $2-3k. Just something for cheap driving in the summer, in town.
Now, though, to get back to swimming and basketball. The flu is still bad, so I can't really be pushing that. I hope by Saturday, maybe Friday, I'll be back in the water, with basketball on Monday.
I'll get back to opinions soon too. There have been so many juicy tidbits in the news and in my mind, but access just wasn't there and I hate "day-old" blog stuff, even if it was only "day-old" in my mind. It's like a 2005 Ford GT, so last year. Now you know.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Is the blog better on your eyes now, or now?
After some work, I think I have found a color scheme that is easy on the eyes. However, I can only see my page on my equipment. I am hoping you will let me know if the color scheme is tame enough on your system(s) for your eyes. I have, after a little (lot of) free advice and such, also added a counter. I probably won't go to Haloscan as that isn't a permanent storage for my blogs and/or comments. Any advice, suggestions, or complaints are welcome.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Is the world becoming sane just as I am waking?
After decades of decadence, the American social order seems to stabilizing back to it's roots. Pedophiles are being shamed (and punished); muslims are being forced out of their rocky, peasant, hateful ways; US and foreign secularists are losing their communist grip on social and legal controls; the feminist education system is about to be rewired back to the ways which will encourage rather than discourage scientific, economic, and technological advances (girls are about to be an add in education rather than the focus, theory just for theory's sake is about to take the back seat to more practical and financially meritous research, and social conservatism is retaking it's proper place as the father of education).
As this is occurring, I am waking up. There have been times when all that I have seen has seemed like a bad dream. At times I have literally wondered if I had died and was in purgatory. I was like the sleeping dragon in that no matter how powerful it might be in it's prime, in it's healing sleep there is little it can do but watch and regret. My world and the real world seem to be coming to some sort of new (and a bit scary) age. As these things improve the fear of another major fall, the doubt about whether what is seemingly seen is real, and the quirky nature of change and waking have left me at odds with what has been, until recent, the status quo.
I must embrace it and run with it like the starving man who has mana pop up in front of him. I am feasting on my new life and the new social order with a gusto that can only be called a fervor. I cannot worry about poisoned fruit or tomorrow. I cannot worry about those who are starting to starve and sleep as I eat and wake. As a fact, those who are starving and tiring are the bastards who had their foot on my neck when I was down and the ones who tried to communize the free nation I had sacrificed so dearly for, so that though my empathy could be realized I won't even waste a moment on simpler sympathy.
Still, in my new wealth of life, I am quite willing to share anything from a moment to a meal with any who should need or want it. I wouldn't call it graciousness so much as that is just who I am. In strength, even in weakness, I like to think I have a nearly bottomless pit of care, attentions which I enjoy handing out. Of course, the limit is to those who would harm others. My vein of justice is neither as blind or stupid or slow as our current judicial processes. I have both the skills and mental and spiritual capacity to bring absolute justice in less than the blink of an eye. As my body strengthens and wakes I will have a fantastic corporeal capacity once again as well.
What is really happening and why are certainly not within my capacity to know. Why the heavens and mortal planes work as they do is beyond me. How a child comes to be, as often as that occurs and as studied as it is, I also have no clue about the absolute nature of that function. I guess it all comes down to faith. As for faith, that I am rich with.
Is anyone else seeing this or is this just the flush of hope and faith and life rushing through my various vascular systems in the requickening process? Is the world really changing or am I just waking up? In any case, it is fantastic.
As this is occurring, I am waking up. There have been times when all that I have seen has seemed like a bad dream. At times I have literally wondered if I had died and was in purgatory. I was like the sleeping dragon in that no matter how powerful it might be in it's prime, in it's healing sleep there is little it can do but watch and regret. My world and the real world seem to be coming to some sort of new (and a bit scary) age. As these things improve the fear of another major fall, the doubt about whether what is seemingly seen is real, and the quirky nature of change and waking have left me at odds with what has been, until recent, the status quo.
I must embrace it and run with it like the starving man who has mana pop up in front of him. I am feasting on my new life and the new social order with a gusto that can only be called a fervor. I cannot worry about poisoned fruit or tomorrow. I cannot worry about those who are starting to starve and sleep as I eat and wake. As a fact, those who are starving and tiring are the bastards who had their foot on my neck when I was down and the ones who tried to communize the free nation I had sacrificed so dearly for, so that though my empathy could be realized I won't even waste a moment on simpler sympathy.
Still, in my new wealth of life, I am quite willing to share anything from a moment to a meal with any who should need or want it. I wouldn't call it graciousness so much as that is just who I am. In strength, even in weakness, I like to think I have a nearly bottomless pit of care, attentions which I enjoy handing out. Of course, the limit is to those who would harm others. My vein of justice is neither as blind or stupid or slow as our current judicial processes. I have both the skills and mental and spiritual capacity to bring absolute justice in less than the blink of an eye. As my body strengthens and wakes I will have a fantastic corporeal capacity once again as well.
What is really happening and why are certainly not within my capacity to know. Why the heavens and mortal planes work as they do is beyond me. How a child comes to be, as often as that occurs and as studied as it is, I also have no clue about the absolute nature of that function. I guess it all comes down to faith. As for faith, that I am rich with.
Is anyone else seeing this or is this just the flush of hope and faith and life rushing through my various vascular systems in the requickening process? Is the world really changing or am I just waking up? In any case, it is fantastic.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
This is very accurate.
Your Blogging Type is Unique and Avant Garde |
![]() You're a bit ... unusual. And so is your blog. You're impulsive, and you'll often post the first thing that pops in your head. Completely uncensored, you blog tends to shock... even though that's not your intent. You tend to change your blog often, experimenting with new designs and content. |
Interesting, my cousin and I think this is right.
What Your Face Says |
![]() At first glance, people see you as driven and ambitious. Overall, your true self is reserved and logical. With friends, you seem dramatic, lively, and quick to react. In love, you seem mysterious and interesting. In stressful situations, you seem cheerful and optimistic. |
Sunday, February 05, 2006
It's Alive!
The world has been changing for me or I for it. Sometimes such things need to be clarified to be certain though in this case clarity may never be possible. After losing nearly 70 pounds, I have continued to lose fat while solidifying muscle, bone, and brain (fat, I know, but like some cholesterol, it's the good kind).
I have started playing basketball, jumping rope, swimming, and taking walks in local public land areas. I have started to target shoot and hunted for the first time a few months back. I will be taking lessons for motorcycle proficiency in a few months and scuba diving the month after that. I just got a loan to buy a (cheap but serviceable) boat and 4x4 truck so that fishing and water-skiing will be possible (and I'll have a decent winter/camping platform).
What happened I may never know. My body just changed. It started when I decided to find my way back to God, now that I think about it. After attending (in an irregular manner) adult induction classes into the church, I started drinking more water. That was the odd key to my weight loss. After that, everything just started to roll.
After twenty years of partial to complete social isolation and inactivity, this to me is a miracle. As it is coming to fruition, I am grabbing it with both hands like a recovering addict grasping at one last straw of sobriety. I am led to believe I was living the wrong way and a seemingly simple change has opened me up to greater things and greater goods. To these, I have to give a pass on congratulations. Give those to God, I certainly do.
I have started playing basketball, jumping rope, swimming, and taking walks in local public land areas. I have started to target shoot and hunted for the first time a few months back. I will be taking lessons for motorcycle proficiency in a few months and scuba diving the month after that. I just got a loan to buy a (cheap but serviceable) boat and 4x4 truck so that fishing and water-skiing will be possible (and I'll have a decent winter/camping platform).
What happened I may never know. My body just changed. It started when I decided to find my way back to God, now that I think about it. After attending (in an irregular manner) adult induction classes into the church, I started drinking more water. That was the odd key to my weight loss. After that, everything just started to roll.
After twenty years of partial to complete social isolation and inactivity, this to me is a miracle. As it is coming to fruition, I am grabbing it with both hands like a recovering addict grasping at one last straw of sobriety. I am led to believe I was living the wrong way and a seemingly simple change has opened me up to greater things and greater goods. To these, I have to give a pass on congratulations. Give those to God, I certainly do.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Wow, it happened. After 6 years of not dating, I am back on the scene. From what I remembered about dating, it was an excruciating step in the process of finding a woman to be with. Before recently, my relationships were secular even if with Christian women. So sex was all but expected after a few real dates and spending a few weeks to months together. This will be my first experience in which my aim is to avoid sex before marriage (engagements no longer count either). So, in it's own way, this is my first time dating as a principled (trying) Christian looking for a woman with similar principles.
My first date was fantastic. My date is a pretty woman, but more, she is a well rounded person. When she laughed, she did so because the moment was rich or the conversation struck her that way. She has a history which she translated to story in a beautiful manner. I was pleased to just listen, asking questions (usually) at breaks in the story for my understanding. We found some things in common and some differences. Beyond that, it was very good to share a meal with a woman as a couple.
My first date was fantastic. My date is a pretty woman, but more, she is a well rounded person. When she laughed, she did so because the moment was rich or the conversation struck her that way. She has a history which she translated to story in a beautiful manner. I was pleased to just listen, asking questions (usually) at breaks in the story for my understanding. We found some things in common and some differences. Beyond that, it was very good to share a meal with a woman as a couple.