Sunday, May 07, 2006

Fishing and thinking work well together.

I suppose the combination of thinking and fishing is similar to peanut butter and chocolate, spaghetti and meatballs, or life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Of course, a fisherman cannot be bothered to think until his skills are adequate to allow his mind to wander a bit. After several days of fishing, my mind has become freed of the burden incumbent in the learning curve and now roams the open plain of the unconscious and the aware plains of thinking. The last two days of fishing have allowed my mind to unknot some thoughts and connect others as if tying line to a lure or detangling a backlashed spool.

The world is changing. The old terms, conservative and liberal, are being turned on their heads. Our current president is no more conservative than the president of Stanford. The senate is comprised mostly of slightly anti-communist democrats who changed parties, except for the continually devout commun... I mean democrats. The house of representatives is a mixed batch. Democrats are still communists and socialists (not the "useful idiots" who vote for them, just the bulk of national and state level apparatchik). In spite of that, the grassroots conservative groundswell continues and the grassroots of the left maintains it's psychosis as it shrinks into oblivion. The obvious disconnect with the national parties to their voters is a problem, especially since no third party has any real hopes of moving in or overtaking either party. Lets just say that the strings of the puppet masters are showing. The only solidly conservative I see potentially running for office is Newt Gingrich. He has no chance of winning. The parties are choosing our candidates, and keeping real conservatives out of the process.

In spite of the social difference the two parties seem to hold as differentiating from each other, the deeper issues that affect us more poignantly in the long run, are mutual to both parties. Shared world governance is one, and the most damaging one, that both parties are targeting. Imagine being ruled by the UN. If you think our bureaucrats are difficult to control now, wait until they aren't elected. Or, if you want a middle look, view how many laws are created and implemented by unelected bureaucrats right now here in America. There are 300 plus laws created every day by the various departments within the government. The size of the holes in cheese which allow it to be marketed as swiss cheese (or not) is among those laws. Nobody in the house or senate voted on that. The president didn't sign that bill. Yet it's law.

Now, step back a second though. We like to think there can be a world with no puppeteers. That is not going to happen. We like to think we can do pretty much anything we like. That isn't practical and their are some serious issues with that too. I suppose the question should be, can we choose the puppeteers to some extent? Can we guide those who guide the world (or at least the one we live in)? If you believe in America and the real American dream, you have to answer yes. Now, how much control can we really expect?

Fishing has been great this last week. I have landed 40 or more fish. Of those 15 to 20 were keepers, but since I didn't catch them in large enough groups at a time or was uncertain about their species when I caught them, I only kept 3. I will eat them this afternoon and think about my next fishing trip while doing so. I will also remember to thank God for the gifts. He has a great taste in nature, in every way you can imagine that sentence to mean.


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