Sunday, February 05, 2006

Really? Posted by Picasa


Blogger Difster said...

I need to get in better shape also. I'm only 205 but I could stand to be closer to 185 or 190 at the most.

If I could just manage to exercise about 3 time a week, I think I would get there.

I think you're on to something regarding the water. I could stand to drink more water and less soda/tea/energy drinks.

12:43 AM, February 07, 2006  
Blogger Kiwi the Geek said...

Wow, you look...distinguished. Not at all how I imagined you though.

1:40 AM, February 07, 2006  
Blogger Doom said...

Difster, oddly, it isn't just water. I drink so much fluid of all kinds my cousin thinks I must be a camel. In three days I drink 2 1/2 gallons of water, a 12 pack of soda, 1 to 2 gallons of milk, a jug or two of fruit drink/juice, and sometimes more. Yea, crazy but I didn't force it or anything. I'm not sure how it works, how I can do it, or why it started.

Kiwi the geek, it's funny but my cousin says just what you say (he took the photo, and he directed the photo by having me adjust my angle to the camera). I don't see it, but two to one at least makes me wonder:)

I will have one other photo up soon in which you will see a completely different side of me. I think it might end up being more like what you think. I know it may seem a bit narcasistic, but I haven't even allowed photos of my (320+ self) for decades. I can at least handle these so I am enjoying a bit, and sharing.

4:02 AM, February 07, 2006  
Blogger heidi said...

I am bemused. You look nothing like what I imagined. Except for the bit of "so not taking this seriously".


2:20 AM, February 09, 2006  

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