The Sky Is Falling...
Watch your heads, cast iron umbrellas perhaps? No, like Chicken Little, the doomsayers are wrong. From CO2 concerns to illegal aliens, there may or may not be real threats but most likely either public pressure, changes in behavior, or whatnot will in part care for the problem. No problem will ever be completely solved though. There isn't a magic bullet, and their won't be. Fear not, this is a condition that belongs in life.
If you are concerned that I am asking you to back down, change your mind, or quit, don't worry about that either. Even if you believe CO2 is the bane of the planet, a position I believe to be false, I want you to continue writing letters, talking, and reading about it. Continue crusading your causes. This will do several things. One, it will give you a sense of purpose. Though I don't care for "liberal" ideas, causes, or "logic", I do care for liberal people. Most of my family has fallen to that way of thinking. Another thing crusading does is to limit bad behavior. It forces Governments, companies, and people to stop and think about what it is they are doing. Oh, I'm sure the conspiracists just plan around it (or even use it). *laughs* I am sure Microsoft, the US Government, the EU, and the UN are conspiring to somehow use CO2 fears to create more Windows users right now, but they have to go around the little inconveniences brought about by public opinion.
Short term fixes for long term problems do not work well either. No fix works even less well, usually. The goal should be for longer term fixes, with adjustable variables built into the solution. Putting 6,000 guardsmen at desks so otherwise deskjockey border patrol can do more work is both short term, short of inspiration, and won't work. Building a fence won't work. Going after those who hire illegals won't work. Maybe all of these, a change in the birth right to citizenship, plus a hiring explosion of border and port (air and sea) control agents might help. Still, it will only help. What I don't understand (though I actually do) is why as the most hated nation on earth, we can't keep people out. Maybe if our lazy women would have babies, we might not have such a problem with finding workers (two fold ways, first we would have more people, second, the workforce would be dedicated to solid workers). Then again, we school them past their prime birthing ages by mandated schooling and wonder at our loss...
Anyway, don't worry. The world won't end, even if you, we, or I die. The world WILL change. There is nothing you can do about that. The world Will have problems. There is nothing you can do about that. What you can do is fight for your causes, realize your limitations (and the president's, congress's, and the Supreme Court's limitations), and relax.
If you are concerned that I am asking you to back down, change your mind, or quit, don't worry about that either. Even if you believe CO2 is the bane of the planet, a position I believe to be false, I want you to continue writing letters, talking, and reading about it. Continue crusading your causes. This will do several things. One, it will give you a sense of purpose. Though I don't care for "liberal" ideas, causes, or "logic", I do care for liberal people. Most of my family has fallen to that way of thinking. Another thing crusading does is to limit bad behavior. It forces Governments, companies, and people to stop and think about what it is they are doing. Oh, I'm sure the conspiracists just plan around it (or even use it). *laughs* I am sure Microsoft, the US Government, the EU, and the UN are conspiring to somehow use CO2 fears to create more Windows users right now, but they have to go around the little inconveniences brought about by public opinion.
Short term fixes for long term problems do not work well either. No fix works even less well, usually. The goal should be for longer term fixes, with adjustable variables built into the solution. Putting 6,000 guardsmen at desks so otherwise deskjockey border patrol can do more work is both short term, short of inspiration, and won't work. Building a fence won't work. Going after those who hire illegals won't work. Maybe all of these, a change in the birth right to citizenship, plus a hiring explosion of border and port (air and sea) control agents might help. Still, it will only help. What I don't understand (though I actually do) is why as the most hated nation on earth, we can't keep people out. Maybe if our lazy women would have babies, we might not have such a problem with finding workers (two fold ways, first we would have more people, second, the workforce would be dedicated to solid workers). Then again, we school them past their prime birthing ages by mandated schooling and wonder at our loss...
Anyway, don't worry. The world won't end, even if you, we, or I die. The world WILL change. There is nothing you can do about that. The world Will have problems. There is nothing you can do about that. What you can do is fight for your causes, realize your limitations (and the president's, congress's, and the Supreme Court's limitations), and relax.