Women have been a part of the creation of all civilizations. As mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters they share in shaping young minds to grumpy old guys like me. In their ways, they have brought light to the darker recesses of men's lives homes hearts and minds. They have inspired men to greatness both in a man-specific and mankind sort of way. There is no doubt that they deserve their places as queen, lady, woman, and girls. What happens when the queen wants to be king? Catastrophic societal breakdown and the failure of millennia of advancement.
There are reasons for this. It is not as if, like your parents might have told you, that it is because I or anyone else says so. The primary reason is that women are not men and cannot compete with men in a realistic manner. When they abandon their much needed role to attempt to become independent, they lose their worth to society. The loss of the worth of half of society is bound to be disastrous. As well, in assuming male roles, they push males out of roles they should be filling in a dumbed down sort of way. Consider women being on the front lines as a solid example. True, they haven't been put there as combat troops but they are there as support troops. What is wrong with that? Why did a seal team go on a raid to free a wounded female GI? It was because she was a women, there was no other reason as a man would have been safer in enemy hands than in a potentially risky rescue. The rescue went forth because there was more than speculation that the woman was being molested or raped. The fear on both the left and the right was that an enemy raped impregnated GI would mess up the whole game. Now you are beginning to see just one aspect of the problem.
As for justice in society, that has been a male role all through history. Feminist revisionists would love for you to believe this is just another case of misogyny. That women could and should fill this role.
New data indicates that women aren't up to it. It is not that women favor injustice, it is more that they psychologically or physically have an aversion to implementing justice. On the flip side, I would guess that women who have been harmed actually go overboard in retribution. A simple example of this is the fact that in many native tribes, after the warfare is done, the women on the winning side are sent in to finish of the enemy. While doing that, they often torture and mutilate the wounded and dead enemy.
Women, I should say feminist, involvement in government has lead the role of government astray. Among their many failings in direction is their push for equality. This equality is supposed to be not only blind and correct in application of law but also stupid in implementation, as noted in the first paragraph.
Look here for more of what feminism has done with equality and it's evil ways.
Feminism has so twisted from being a positive (at times) female group supporting family, church, the US, and fair labor practices that it is unrecognizable. That is unless you understand it was subverted by Stalinists. No, you say? Who do you really think Betty Friedan, mother of modern feminism and author of "The Feminine Mystique" was? Some mild mannered housewife who became frustrated with her lot in life? Wrong, she was a rich man's wife. She had a maid and a cook, she didn't bother with dishes, cooking, or raising children. She attended (perpetually) a local college where she was a known supporter of Stalinist governance. She was a number one fan of communism. She, in other words, was a puppet of a man, or more truthfully, of men (husband, professors, Stalin).
Another issue that has been turned on it's head by new age feminism is birthing. By engendering a hatred for children, marriage, and men in that order, they have brought about a larger holocaust than any the planet has seen before. Just in America, the numbers are beyond 40 million recorded deaths. Russia has a similar number. As you add all the nations up, keeping a sharp eye on China, you find no other source of artificially created human death (perhaps all other sources combined) in all of history and all in the space of fifty years or less. While feminists kill the modern, civil, technical Western Civilization, our enemies grow and fast. They grow not only in their nations, but now in ours.
This is why the enemy isn't just the little brown man with a grenade launcher. This is why we must change, and fast. This is why it may already be too late for Europe. Finally, this is why not.