Monday, December 12, 2005

Hunting In My Prime

Today, I will be working with my cousin. We will be sighting in my shotgun in preparation for deer hunting later this week. I have a Remington 870 Express Combo, a new fangled hunting parka, a really good set of binoculars, and a couple of other odds and ends. Money was a little tight this year, so I wasn't able to get a few other odds and ends I would have liked, wicking scent locking long underwear sets, a sidearm (I'm looking at a double action revolver in a .357 magnum, a .44 magnum, or a Smith and Wesson 460XVR, perhaps in time one of each, with the .357 magnum I will also have a decent home defense side arm while the others are a little heavy (unless I use .45 ammo in the 460XVR... Hmmm (then again, at $1400 or more for the 460XVR set-up of choice, the .357 will probably be my first, and not bad, sidearm))).

I am excited. This will be my first deer hunt. I am very familiar with long and short arms, I have just never used them for hunting game. Might not have gotten on board with hunting at all, but a few months ago, a friend asked me to hunt with him this season. (part of the reason money was short, two months to get a gun, ammo, side equipment, licenses, tags, and everything else is just a shy short. Add on that it's Christmas time, and things can get nigh on crazy financially. Still, I'm here, about to sight my gun in, raring to go, and there are a LOT of deer. My mom lives at the top of a hill, at the edge of a very small town, and we have deer right here in her yard. I'm not talking about a shy stray occasional visiting deer, I'm talking about a small heard. The first night I was here, I went outside to feed my mom's dog and saw a half dozen deer, at least. I yelled out, "He Yaaah, move on little doggies". They just looked at me like the librarian looks at a loud child, then went back to eating. I can't wait to express my unhappiness with a 1 to 1 1/4 oz. lead slug, and a ho, ho, ho, to you too mister buck. And, for all you who oppose hunting because deer are beautiful... we all know beauty can be only skin deep, hopefully I'll be able to let you know if they are pretty clean on to the bone or not. Ho, ho, ho...


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