Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Modern Public Schools and Why Not

I thought I would add a few reasons to homeschool. Sure, but aren't examples just exceptions? No, not if it is your child. This article was interesting, this one got my attention, there was this one, this one makes me angry, and there are many others. Sure, I see were CNN and it's fellow travelers write articles indicating that crime has halved in schools in the last decade or so, among other pro-public school articles. What I also note is that when a news agency reports, it quite often lies.

The obesity "plague" is an example of media lies. There was a change in how the CDC manipulated it's statistics regarding whether an individual is overweight, obese, or grossly obese. Overnight, the overweight and up crowd boomed with no actual changes in actual waist sizes or masses. Agencies, like CNN, went on a rampage. They told of how the number of overweight people had jumped drastically, and how the government agencies needed to get involved. They didn't discuss the fact the the old and new numbers used in showing an increase were simply due to a new statistical manipulation method. They wanted you to believe that increasing government control in our lives was necessary so strongly that they just lied. Do you think they wouldn't change how they report crime statistics in order to have you believe that public schools are good and safe places? Believe at your children's risk. One might even include, believe at your own risk, some of that crime comes home. As well, being taught socialism almost automatically sets you, as a parent, as a part of the enemy class.


Blogger Kiwi the Geek said...

This article was interesting, and this one, this got my attention, and there are many others.

Were there supposed to be three articles? Because only two were links.

Dunno who said it, but there are lies, damned lies, and statistics. Take a statistics course, and you can learn how to pick apart research articles to see if they're telling the truth.

10:21 PM, December 06, 2005  
Blogger Kiwi the Geek said...

Didja know that Tom Cruise and many other buff celebrities are considered obese? If he died in the course of a movie stunt, it would be recorded as a death from obesity in the all-important statistics.

Which is stupid, because it makes it harder for the rest of us to figure out if we're unhealthy. The old height-weight recommendations are only available in old books, unfortunately.

3:30 PM, December 07, 2005  
Blogger Doom said...

I didn't know Tom Cruise missile was in there, but I know President Bush is considered obese (or overweight, but I think obese). I am considered grossly obese, but on my 320lb 6'4" frame, if I have 50 extra, I'd be surprised. That would put me at 14% body fat tops. Not exactly skinny, but certainly not fat.

It's just another thing I can add to my large government conspiracy files. I know, I know, when family and friends buy me Conspiracy Theory, rent it when I'm there to watch me while I watch it and listen to my commentary... *sighs* I know.

Anyway, it's true. Obesity is just another fraud intended to expand the goverment's involvement in our lives. If they tax McDonald's, my ribeyes, t-bones, or whole milk and sour cream "for my own good", some politicians are going to get crushed, one way or the other. "Drop that bill, step away from the congress slowly, with your hands where I can see them... Now run! Run for your life you sack of excrement! He YAAAA!!! Git 'em up, boys.

5:54 PM, December 08, 2005  

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