Monday, December 05, 2005

How Has Big Government Become so Big?

As I rattle on about big government, I realize there must be a reason for it's existence and a way to change it. When I started looking for the root causes for the socialization of America I was quickly led to a few root causes. When I started narrowing the causes, I then sorted them chronologically. Eventually, I arrived at a primary factor. With what I have written, what you know, and with a few moments of thought, you may easily find the same answer. To quicken the flow of thought, I will give a few hints now: What is something that nearly every child and adult is or has been exposed to?; What government agency has become less effective at it's stated goals while expanding in power, wealth, and size (more so than other agencies) and involves children and young adults automatically?; What organization is run exclusively by bureaucrats, unions, and academics?

Not so many years back, I read about a Vietnamese official giving a speech regarding the education system in his country. He was the top bureaucrat in his country regarding education, the equivalent to our Department of Education's chief. He had indicated that through his hard work and his governments policies, Vietnam had increased it's illiteracy rate. A Western journalist, after the speech, asked the official if he had misspoken. He wanted to know if the words illiteracy and literacy had been mistakenly interchanged due to language misunderstandings or just a clerical or oral error. The official rebuffed the reporter, assuring him that illiteracy is exactly what was meant in the speech and what was being sought by both himself, his agency, and his government. I was furious at this, then I realized his country was not the only one on this destructive path.

Our country, spending vast and ever increasing sums, on an education system that went from satisfactory to unsatisfactory in a period of decades is hot on the Vietnamese educational trail. With the lowering of standards and expectations paralleled and equaled by the increases in spending, it is obvious that this too, is no mistake given the obvious nature of the correlation and the time span involved. Our government is spending more in a seemingly purposeful manner so as to lower educational quality! All one needs to do is look at real data in both areas and compare the two for the last 40 years. Which leads to the question, what then are schools geared to offer? They are instilling socialist views, and surrounding those views with teachings and practices that support them. American children are being averaged, not educated, socialized, not exposed to society.

Knowing this root causes leads easily to a solution. In this case, homeschooling is the answer. Is it easy? Who ever said necessity was easy? Is getting out of bed and off to work an easy thing every day? Is staying moral and choosing the right choice easy? Is eating correctly easy? Maybe not always, or even often, is the answer to all of these. Yet these are done every day by many if not most people. Why do people try to take care of themselves, dress warm, go to work, and try to do necessary and good things in spite of the difficulties? Whatever your personal answers, the answer for homeschooling should be really simple. By homeschooling you ensure your real future, in and through your children, who would then be taught morality, citizenship in a free not socialized country, the history of why this country and that citizenship really transcend simple sports like nationalism, and receive a really true and rounded education. As well, you would be planting seeds for a continued free America, for the continued American dominance in marketing, technology, industry, and medicine. Freedom isn't cheap or easy. As well, you cannot rely on a government agency or any government for these things in whole. Our government, as it was supposed to be, relies on you to keep it in check by being an active part in it's affairs.

This is a book which caught my eye and helped inspire me to write this article. It is written for adults, specifically for those considering this "radical new approach to education" (which has been practiced for most of time in human history, then again I don't think the NYTs realizes history exists). Even if you are past having children, or are only now considering having children, this book looks to offer some really good reading and thoughts. And, no, I will receive not a dime should you decide to buy this book.


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